Mission: To improve the academic performance of children and youth in Washington, D.C. and the greater metropolitan area through workshops, conferences, mentorships, and exposure.
Vision: For children and youth (specifically in underserved communities) to easily have access to resources outside of the classroom, and to be able to accomplish their personal goals.
Goals: To create environments where children and youth will be able to increase their academic knowledge, proper social skills, and gain self-confidence.

Jessica Haynie-Smith Adrienne M. Smith Iris Drayton-Spann Jeffery Spann
Priscilla Muhanji Alycia Anderson Sylvia Lynne Reis
Keva Belcher Keisha Dodson
Our Team


As a native Washingtonian, Jessica C. Smith-Haynie understands the plight of the youth in the low income communities of Washington, D.C. Noted as a pioneer, as the first black female, in the field of firearms and toolmark identification, Smith-Haynie understands where hard work and support can get a person, but understands more how giving back can impact a person. Through Youth Change Inc., she has not only created a platform for youth to excel in life, but for others, who share her same passion, to share their experiences and teachings for the betterment of today's youth.
Youth Change, Inc. came to life in 2013, with the purpose to reduce violence on the streets and in school settings associated with peer pressure and ignorance. Through a variety of workshops, conferences, and other activities we will be able to give people new experiences and unleash their full potential to be able to accomplish anything they want to pursue.