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"Preparing For Your Future"

Educational Conference 2014


Free Event For High School Students

(Grades 9th thru 12th)



When:  Saturday, October 11,2014

Where: Friends Meeting Place of       


             2111 Florida Avenue, NW, 

             Washington, D.C.


Close to Public Transportation:

Metro:  Red Line - Dupont Circle Metro   (2Blocks)


Metrobus:  H1, 42, D6


Event Time:  8:30am - 1:00pm

(Registration Starts At 8:30am - 9:00am)


Lunch Provided For Attendees



Panel Discussions:  Social Media Etiquette, Conflict Resolution, Positively Presenting Yourself, and Thinking Globally / Living Locally




Table Vendors:  4 year & 2 year College & University Reps., Business Owners, Local Educational Community Organizations, & Volunteer Organizations




Networking! Door Prizes! Interactive Sessions!


May be eligible for Community Services Hours or Personal Enrichment Credit


*Check with your school counselor.  Must have free ticket to attend distributed by school counselors.  Limited Tickets!!*



For More Information Contact:

Adrienne Smith - 301.335.1634


Domestic Violence Luncheon

09, August 2014



9004 Old Branch Aveune

Clinton, Md.  20735


12pm til 3pm


Tickets:  $60.00



Bringing awareness to all, by Raising Money to help those that are being brave and making a change in their lives for them and their children.  All monies raised will be donated to helping Women & Children with food and other items they may need in their transition to a new way of living.


Young Professionals Networking Event


September 6th 2014 1pm-3pm

MLK Library 

901 G St NW, Washington, DC 20001

Free Event

"It is all about who you know..." this is a statement heard by many but only few know what it really means. In 2014 it is not enough to just be book smart or even look the part, but it is important to constantly be building and maintaining a network of people to function in life. At Youth Change, Inc. we not only encourage networking with more experienced professionals, we also match people with possible mentors and partners to promote development and learning concerning career advancement and entrepreneurship.


Tel: Emails Only Until Further Notice   


Address: 1247 Oates Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002

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